During the 2018-2019 academic year, Yihang Zhu and I organized a seminar on the proof of the Local Langlands conjectures for GL_n. We focused on the Scholze's work during the spring semester, especially on his GL_2 paper [S11]. During the fall semester, the focus was mainly on the automorphic side of the story, and we worked towards presenting [Har] and [Hen00].
Time and place: Tuesdays 1:00-2:30 in Mathematics 622.
Main References:
[S11] Scholze, P. The Langlands-Kottwitz Approach for the Modular Curve. IMRN, 2011.
[S13-1] Scholze, P. The Langlands-Kottwitz Approach for Some Simple Shimura Varieties. Invent. Math., 2013.
[S13-2] Scholze, P. The Local Langlands Correspondence for GLn over p-adic Fields. Invent. Math., 2013.
Other References:
[Clo90] Clozel, L. Motifs et formes automorphes: applications du principe de fonctorialité. In: Automorphic forms, Shimura varieties, and L-functions, Vol. I (Ann Arbor, MI, 1988), Perspect. Math., vol. 10, Academic Press, Boston, MA, 1990, pp. 77-159.
[Del73] Deligne, P. Les constantes des Équations fonctionnelles des fonctions L. 501-597. Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 349.
[Har] Harris, M. The Local Langlands Conjecture for GL(n) over a p-adic Field, n<p. Invent. Math., 1998.
[HT] Harris, M. and Taylor, R. The Geometry and Cohomology of Some Simple Shimura Varieties. Annals of Mathematics Studies, 2001.
[Hen93] Henniart, G. Caractérisation de la correspondance de Langlands locale par les ε facteurs de paires. Invent. Math., 1993.
[Hen00] Henniart, G. Une preuve simple des conjectures de Langlands pour GL(n) sur un corps p-adique. Invent. Math., 2000.
[JPSS83] Jacquet, H., Piatetskii-Shapiro, I., and Shalika, J. Rankin-Selberg Convolutions. Amer. J. Math., 1983.
[Wed08] Wedhorn, T. The Local Langlands Correspondence for GL(n) over p-adic Fields. Available online, by clicking the link provided.
Date | Title | Speaker | References |
February 5 | Henniart's 2000 Paper | Yihang Zhu | [Hen00] |
February 12 | Hecke Algebras and Orbital Integrals | Robin Zhang | [S11] Ch. 2-3 |
February 19 | Geometry of Modular Curves and Counting Points | Stan Atanasov | [S11] Ch. 4-5 |
February 26 | Counting Points, Continued | Stan Atanasov | [S11] Ch. 6 |
l-adic Galois Representations | Sam Mundy | [S11] Ch. 7 | |
March 5 | l-adic Galois Representations, Continued | Sam Mundy | [S11] Ch. 7 |
March 12 | More on l-adic representations | Sam Mundy | [S11] Ch. 7 |
March 19 | No Talk: Spring Break | ||
March 26 | Nearby Cycles | Shizhang Li | [S11] Ch 8 |
April 2 | Traces as Twisted Orbital Integrals | Yihang Zhu | [S11] Ch 9 |
April 9 | Cancelled | ||
April 16 | Cancelled | ||
April 23 | Scholze's Local Langlands Paper | Yihang Zhu | [S13-2] |
April 30 | Scholze's Local Langlands Paper, Continued | Yihang Zhu | [S13-2] |
May 6 | One off: Skinner-Urban on the Main Conjecture for GL_2 (Monday at 1:00 in 507) | Sam Mundy | Abstract |
May 13 | More on Scholze's Local Langlands Paper (Monday at 1:30 in 507) | Yihang Zhu | [S13-2] |
Date | Title | Speaker | References |
September 11 | Introductory Talk | Michael Harris | |
September 18 | Review: Admissible Representations and Weil-Deligne Representations | Stanislav Atanasov | [Wed08] |
September 25 | Review: L- and ε-factors | Robin Zhang | [Wed08], [Del73] |
October 2 | Henniart's Characterization Paper | Yu-Sheng Lee | [Hen93] |
October 9 | Jacquet--Piatetskii-Shapiro--Shalika | Hervé Jacquet | [JPSS83] |
October 16 | Automorphic Forms and Automorphic Representations | Sam Mundy | Your orals syllabus. |
October 23 | Global Ingredients | Sam Mundy | [Clo90], [Har98] |
October 30 | Global Ingredients (continued) | Sam Mundy | [Clo90], [Har98] |
November 6 | No Talk: Election Day | ||
November 13 | Cancelled. | ||
November 20 | Harris's 1998 Paper | Yihang Zhu | [Har98] |
November 27 | Harris's 1998 Paper (continued) | Yihang Zhu | [Har98] |